Custom Gift

Give personalised, costum-made items for both businesses and individuals!

- Decoration | Printing | Corporate gift | 3D labelling | Exhibition technique | Marketing | Graphic design

Custom gifts

Show yourself creatively!

In today’s business landscape, any enterprise taking marketing seriously distributes promotional items adorned with their logo regularly. These promorional gifts are typically lower in value, practicaland cotumised to reflect the image of the business.

Should I advertise or offer gifts?

Do both at the same time. Corporate gifting is an important elemets of marketing communication. A well-thought promotional gift branded with the company logo improves the reputation of the business.A promotional gifs achieve their goal when it is genuinely usable combined with high quality. This ensures that the recipient engages with it daily and is reminded of you everyday.

foto reklam reklam ajandek image x 002

What can I choose from?

Mindenből! Választhat a jól bevált eszközök közül, legyen az toll, bögre, Pendrive vagy bármi, amit eddig csak adott és kapott. Mi azonban nem csak a sablonos tárgyakat kínáljuk. Kifejezetten szeretjük azokat a megrendelőket, akik ránk bízzák magukat, mert érzik, hogy valami egyedi figyelemfelkeltő újdonségra van szükslgük. Ha Te is így érzed, ne habozz felkeresni bennünket…

Useful in any

Gifts for holidays, company anniverseries, new pato clients ordering above a certain amount. We help to decide the perfect promotional gifts, making them unique with creative id, which your partners genuinly appriciate Also use them for a longer period of time.


FOTO reklam logo 2023

Our skilled, knowledgeable team will help you.


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